
Keith Urban

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Interesting facts and trivia about Keith Urban. By Songfacts®.

In 2007 Urban filed a lawsuit against a New Jersey painter with the same name over the painter's website. Keith the painter owned and Keith the singer owned The singer claimed the other Keith Urban was trying to sell his artwork on his site by using language intended to confuse the public, like, "You have reached the site of Keith Urban. To those who don't know, oil painting is one of my hobbies." The suit wanted the site address transferred to the singer and an injunction barring the painter from operating a site that suggests any relationship between the two. The painter, who had his site registered before the singer, countersued. The lawsuit was settled in the painter's favor, but eventually the singer Keith Urban got the .com domain.

As a guitarist, his biggest musical influence is Mark Knopler from Dire Straits. His singing influences include Glen Campbell, James Taylor and Freddie Mercury.

He met his wife, actress Nicole Kidman, in Los Angeles at a dinner honoring famous Australians (they are both Australian). "I was trying to play it cool, but inside I felt like I'd snuck into the royal ball simply because Nic had such a truly otherworldly aura about her," he said during a speech at the AFI Life Achievement Award Gala. Despite his awe, Urban managed to snag her phone number – scrawled, perhaps nervously, on a "tiny piece of paper." Scoring her number was just the first hurdle. Urban admitted he was a bundle of nerves, carrying the precious piece of paper around for a whole week before finally working up the courage to call. "I was scared," he confessed, "nervous to call her." But call her he did, and the rest, as they say, is history.


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