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Did You Know?

Interesting facts and trivia about Pennywise. By Songfacts®.

Pennywise began in 1988 in Hermosa Beach, California. Their name is derived from the monster It, from the Stephen King novel of the same name.

Former Pennywise frontman Jim Lindberg is a huge fan of surfing and regularly supports the Surfrider Foundation. He's appeared in several public service announcements for various ocean-related causes and helped to organize Pennywise's involvement in the M.O.M. (Music for our Mother Ocean) compilation.

Former Pennywise lead singer Jim Lindberg has been participating in the California Punk scene since the late '80s. In 1994, he contributed vocals to the Bad Religion track "Marked" and has contributed backing vocals to two albums by The Offspring: Americana and Splinter.


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