
Death Cab for Cutie

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Did You Know?

Interesting facts and trivia about Death Cab for Cutie. By Songfacts®.

Death Cab for Cutie began as a side project by frontman Ben Gibbard. Gibbard was playing in a band called Pinwheel in the late '90s when he decided to make some recordings under the name All-Time Quarterback. He eventually recorded a cassette called You Can Play These Songs with Chords with Death Cab guitarist Chris Walla in the basement of a house he was living in while attending university.

Death Cab for Cutie got their name from a song performed by the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band in The Beatles' 1967 film Magical Mystery Tour. Lead singer Ben Gibbard says that if he knew people would be referencing the name 15 years after the band began, he would have went with something more obvious.

In 2005, Death Cab for Cutie gave away copies of their new DVD Drive Well, Sleep Carefully to promote animal rights. DCFC are also long-time supporters of PETA. Drive Well, Sleep Carefully premiered at the band's hometown Seattle International Film Festival in 2005.


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