
Foxy Shazam

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Interesting facts and trivia about Foxy Shazam. By Songfacts®.

For years, Foxy Shazam lead singer Eric Sean Nally lied about where the band's name came from. In several interviews, Nally said "foxy shazams" meant "cool shoes" when he was in high school. In March 2012, Nally admitted that the story was a lie and that it was fun to tell it because "the truth is not as interesting."

Foxy Shazam used to have an exclamation mark at the end of their name, Panic! At The Disco style. The band decided to drop the "!" after becoming more and more popular from 2005 to 2008. When their second album Introducing came out in 2008, the band's name was officially changed from "Foxy Shazam!" to "Foxy Shazam."

Foxy Shazam have also been known for their exhausting tour schedule. When their debut album The Flamingo Trigger was released in 2005, Foxy Shazam stayed on the road for eighteen months straight. World of mouth spread quickly and the band was picked up by the indie record label New Weatherman.


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