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Interesting facts and trivia about Paramore. By Songfacts®.

Singer Hayley Williams has stated that the name "Paramore" derived from the maiden name of the mother of one of the band's former members. After the group learned the meaning of the homophone "paramour" ("secret lover"), they decided to adopt the name, but to continue using the Paramore spelling.

In 2003, Williams was signed to Atlantic Records as a solo artist. Atlantic originally planned to record and market Williams as a pop singer, but Williams resisted, insisting on playing alternative rock music, backed by a band.

Paramore's lineup has changed on numerous occasions since the band's founding. Jeremy Davis left the band before their first album was recorded, inspiring the remaining members to write "All We Know" about his departure, and to use the song as the basis for their first album, titled All We Know Is Falling. Davis later returned to the band, but in the meantime was replaced by John Hembree. Later, rhythm guitatrist Jason Bynum was added to the band, but left to be replaced by Hunter Lamb. Lamb also left in 2007, to be replaced by Taylor York. In 2010, the Farro brothers left the band under acrimonious circumstances.


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