
Nick Waterhouse

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Interesting facts and trivia about Nick Waterhouse. By Songfacts®.

While many label Waterhouse's music as "R&B revival," Waterhouse rejects this label, saying that the genre of his music is "none." It may use sounds from various genres, but Waterhouse says that music should be judged on its own terms, not by the associative merit of similar sounding things.

Waterhouse cultivated his love of vintage R&B by volunteering at the famed record shop Rooky Ricardo following his move to San Francisco. The store, which sells secondhand records with a focus on 45" soul and R&B, has been around for 29 years and does not use a cash register, only an old-style cashbox.

Although his songs tend to utilize a retro, R&B aesthetic, Waterhouse says that this isn't an intentional stylistic choice. Rather, it's simply the form of expression that is most personal and natural for him. "Asking if I write aiming for a certain style," he said in our interview, "is sort of like asking a Jamaican person why they talk in a funny accent."


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