
New York Dolls

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Did You Know?

Interesting facts and trivia about New York Dolls. By Songfacts®.

The New York Dolls' second drummer, Jerry Nolan, served as eventual Kiss drummer Peter Criss' best man at Criss' wedding on January 31, 1970 (to Lydia Di Leonardo).

Before scoring a record deal, the New York Dolls created a buzz by playing regularly in the Oscar Wilde Room at the Mercer Arts Center, located in Greenwich Village. The Mercer Arts Center would eventually collapse on August 3, 1973.

Original drummer Billy Murcia died under mysterious circumstances during the Dolls' first-ever British tour, on November 6, 1972, when he passed out from an overdose. In an attempt to revive him, Murcia was forced to drink coffee, which led to asphyxiation. David Bowie made reference to Murcia's death in his 1973 song, "Time," where he sings, "Time, In Quaaludes and red wine, Demanding Billy Dolls and other friends of mine, Take your time."


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