
A Day To Remember

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Interesting facts and trivia about A Day To Remember. By Songfacts®.

All the members started out in separate local bands in Ocala, Florida before meeting up and forming an early version of A Day to Remember. When drummer Alex Shelnutt replaced the departing Bobby Scruggs, he was only 15 years old. Upon being asked to join the band, Shelnutt replied that he'd have to check with his mom first. Fortunately for the band, she was extremely supportive and didn't mind the time he'd have to spend away from home for touring.

A Day to Remember enjoys using movie quotes as song titles. Some examples are "Mr. Highway's Thinking About the End" (from The Good Son) and "I'm Made of Wax, Larry, What Are You Made of?" (Night at the Museum).

The entire band came down with a powerful virus during the swine-flu scare. The band was pulled over by police and taken to the hospital for a temporary quarantine pending tests. Guitarist Kevin Skaff recalls the doctors wearing intimidating full-body safety outfits that "looked like nuclear suits."


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