Oli Sykes penned the song about a previous relationship in which he was betrayed by his lover. He no longer wants anything to do with her and believes he'll get his revenge since Karma cannot be escaped. Sykes explained to Kerrang!:"'True Friends' is about certain people who really cut me up. To be honest, it applies to a lot of people I've known throughout my life. I don't hold hate or anger towards anyone, because it's just too draining." "This is about me making peace with those situations – it's about letting those people know that I can forgive, but I'll never forget. From here on out I'll always keep them at arms length."
The final line in the chorus, "True friends stab you in the front," is an Oscar Wilde quote.
The stark, cinematic video was directed by Bring Me the Horizon's own Oli Sykes and centers on a detective played by British actor Steve Oram (Sightseers, Bad Education, The World's End). The storyline has Oram haunted by past misdeeds and involves slaughtered horses and a murder plot.
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