This poignant track is a departure for Blink-182, a skate-punk trio known for their goofy antics and love of toilet humor. The band's bass player, Mark Hoppus, wrote it when he was in a state of depression about being on tour and having no one to go home to. "Tom [DeLonge, guitarist] and Travis [Barker, drummer] always had girlfriends waiting back home, so they had something to look forward to at the end of the tour. But I didn't, so it was always like, I was lonely on tour, but then I got home and it didn't matter because there was nothing there for me anyway," he told Rolling Stone in 2000. Although the lyrics unfold like a suicide note, the end of the song is a message that things will get better - which was true for Hoppus, who met his future wife on the set of the Enema Of The State video "All The Small Things."
Hoppus was also influenced by a tale of teen suicide. Guitarist Tom DeLonge explained: "The story behind that is Mark read a letter someone sent him as an email, that a kid wrote before he committed suicide to his parents. We kind of got together and wrote this sad, slow song. It came out sadder than we ever thought it would, which is good too. Any song that moves you is good. Some people listen to it and go 'Wow, that's a real bum-out of a song.' But it's one of those things, a story of a kid not being happy in his life, crossed with us being really lonely on tour. At the end of it there's a better way out, there are better things to do than kill yourself."
The lyrics, "I traced the cord back to the wall, no wonder it was never plugged in at all," were inspired when guitarist Tom Delonge was playing in his garage and he and his amp were in a puddle. Luckily, the amp was not plugged in or he could have been electrocuted.
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