The first song on Linkin Park's debut album, Hybrid Theory, "Papercut" is about people who have annoyed you for years and how you hate them.
In 2007, when performing this song live at a concert in Melbourne, part of the performance was for Chester Bennington to jump on to the stage, but he got his foot caught in a step, fell backwards and he broke his wrist. He and the band decided that "his wrist will be just as broken now as it will be in an hour" so Chester sang through the rest of the concert with a broken wrist.
In the video, the band performs in the swank lounge of a house, unaware of the sinister events unfolding in the surrounding rooms. Drummer Rob Bourdon is bored with just sitting on the couch, and starts noticing something isn't quite right with the room, which starts to shape-shift. A baby picture on the wall (painted by Mike Shinoda the day before the shoot) starts to bulge as dragonflies from the nightmarish rooms try to break through. Twenty years later, Shinoda still didn't know what the video is about. "The only thing about that song that didn't age well, in retrospect, is the video," he told Kerrang. "If you watch the video, I'm sorry, I don't know what we we're doing."
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