
Quiet Riot

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Interesting facts and trivia about Quiet Riot. By Songfacts®.

Quiet Riot is a classic Glam-style Heavy Hetal band that formed in Los Angeles in 1973. They've since broken up and reformed (or taken breaks) in odd spurts every few years, so it's difficult to say if they're still considered active or not. At least 23 musicians have played in the band, including three that have died: Kevin DuBrow, Randy Rhoads, and Kenny Hillery.

The most long-standing member of the group was lead vocalist Kevin DuBrow, who was with the band almost constantly from 1973 until his death in 2007. At DuBrow's funeral, a friend placed a dragon sculpture on his casket in tribute to DuBrow's affinity with dragons.

Original member Randy Rhoads left Quiet Riot to join up with Ozzy Osbourne's band and completed two well-regarded albums with Ozzy as lead guitarist before dying in one of the most famous freak airplane accidents in rock history. Rhoads was killed when he went up in a small plane piloted by their tour bus driver, who crashed when attempting to buzz the tour bus.


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