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Skid Row were formed in 1986 by Sabo and Bolan in New Jersey. They released their self-titled debut, Slave To The Grind and Subhuman Race before this lineup collapsed, mainly due to Bach's antics and bad attitude - an example being the "Bottle Incident" where Bach was arrested and tried after jumping into the crowd at a Massachusetts show (where Skid Row were opening for Aerosmith) and attacked a fan he claimed had thrown a bottle at him, and injured other punters in the process. He is also infamous for wearing a T-shirt with the anti-gay slogan "AIDS KILLS FAGS DEAD" in a photo shoot, which he joked about then apologized for. The band went its separate ways in 1995, and all members except Sebastian briefly played in a band called Ozone Monday.

In the late 1990s, Skid Row reformed with a new singer (Johnny Solinger) and a new drummer (Phil Varone), and have toured every summer since and released a new album in 2003. Bach went on to do some solo stuff, and was also in a production of Jesus Christ Superstar.

Sebastian Bach left the band in late 1996 after an argument with Rachel Bolan. The Skid Row guitarist turned down an opening slot on the Kiss reunion tour even though Bach already booked it and the other band members supported Bolan, saying Skid Row was too big an act to open for Kiss. When Bach quit Skid Row, he left a message on a bandmate's answering message saying "You're never too big to open up for Kiss."


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