
REO Speedwagon

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Interesting facts and trivia about REO Speedwagon. By Songfacts®.

They were named after a fire engine. The name "REO Speedwagon" refers to Ransom Eli Olds, the founder of Oldsmobile. He also owned the The REO Motor Truck Company, which made a model in 1915 called the Speedwagon, a forerunner to the pickup truck. It was keyboard player Neal Doughty who came up with the name, which embodied the rebellious spirit of Ransom Olds and also stood out on a marquee, with three capital letters out front.

Kevin Cronin was offered a job as an MTV VJ before the network went on the air, but he turned it down since there was no way to stay in the band at the same time. The role of good-looking dude with mullet-fro went to Mark Goodman.

They are from Champaign, Illinois. A street there is named "REO Speedwagon Way."


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