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Did You Know?

Interesting facts and trivia about Hanson. By Songfacts®.

The three members are brothers, the oldest of seven siblings. They have three sisters - Avery, Jessica, and Zoe - and a brother named Mac who is also a musician. Mac formed a band called Joshua and the Holy Rollers.

They started writing songs and playing together in 1992 when Zac was just 6. They released two independent albums before Mercury Records signed them and released Middle Of Nowhere in 1997, which included their mega-hit, "MMMbop." When the album was released, Taylor was 16, Isaac 14, and Zac 11.

All three brothers were home schooled by their parents in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They got a lot of music education along the way, as their parents exposed them to lots of music, especially Rock and R&B from the '50s and '60s.


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