
Sunny Day Real Estate

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Interesting facts and trivia about Sunny Day Real Estate. By Songfacts®.

This was a very influential emo band. They released 2 albums before breaking up the first time - Diary in 1994 and the pink-covered LP2 in 1995. These two albums inspired many independent rock bands to come in the nineties and into the new millennium, most notably bands like Mineral and Dashboard Confessional. Along with Weezer's Blue Album, Diary defined emo in the early nineties.

Before they reunited in 1997, the band had gone through many personal changes. Frontman Jeremy Enigk became a reborn Christian, and two of the members had already joined the Foo Fighters. They got back together, but still missing Nate Mendel, who stayed with the Foo Fighters. They released a few more albums before they ultimately disbanded in 2001. These albums were not as successful as the first.


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