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Interesting facts and trivia about Big Star. By Songfacts®.

Big Star is an American rock band formed in 1971 in Memphis, Tennessee. The band evolved from two previous bands directed by Chris Bell, Icewater and Rock City. The name Big Star is borrowed from Big Star Markets, a grocery store which the band frequented during rehearsals and recording sessions for snacks.

Bell knew Chilton from having both lived in Memphis and recorded music at Ardent Studios. Bell and Chilton also shared an affinity for the Beatles. Although he declined to join Chilton in a duo modeled after Simon & Garfunkel, Bell invited Chilton to join a performance by his existing band Icewater, already including Hummel and Stephens.

Once Chilton joined the band, most of the songs were written by Bell and Chilton and were heavily influenced by the music from the British Invasion bands, most notably The Beatles and The Kinks. They were also influenced by US acts such as The Byrds and The Beach Boys. It is perhaps this influence that resulted in the band being classified as "Powerpop."


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