This atmospheric anthem is the second track on Mylo Xyloto following the 42 second opening title song. Frontman Chris Martin told Music Week: "That's the opening track, really. That's kind of our call to arms to each other. I think it's callisthenics musically for us. It warms you up."
Johnny Buckland's guitar is more prominent on Mylo Xyloto than on Coldplay's previous albums. Martin told Q magazine this song is, "all Jonny. It only has two chords."
Speaking to Billboard magazine the Coldplay vocalist explained why the band's lead guitarist makes a bigger contribution than before: "When we finished the last record Viva La Vida, we were all feeling pretty pleased with ourselves when it was like #1 or whatever. Then… (producer) Brian Eno wrote to us and said, 'Dear Coldplay. I really think we've made a good record here. But I do think we can do a lot better, and I feel we all need to get back to work as soon as possible because I feel like Jonny especially is on the route to something, and he hasn't got there yet.'"
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