This emotional 11-minute track finds Dave detailing the story of a girl named Lesley, whom he befriends on the train from Norbury Station. She confides to him how she suffers abuse at the hands of her boyfriend, Jason. She used to be the life of the party for true And now she going out hardly ever Her man got her in the yard forever And her friends wanna help but it's hard to tell her Dave told The Observer that the song is a tale "about someone suffering a complete loss of character by being with someone that isn't good for them."
Two tracks later, on '"Drama," Dave reveals that the song is based on the experiences of his own relatives. Do you believe that I can illustrate what Streatham is Then break the fourth? wall and base Lesley on my relatives?
The female vocalist is Maggie Eckford from the Nashville electronic pop group Ruelle.
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