

The album You Belong With Me is part of.

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© 2008 Apollo A-1 LLC
℗ 2008 Apollo A-1 LLC

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Interesting facts about You Belong With Me. By Songfacts.

Taylor Swift told That's Country the story of this song, which she co-wrote this with her frequent collaborator Liz Rose. Said Swift: "I came into the writing session with Liz Rose and said, I've got this idea. I had overheard a friend of mine talking to his girlfriend and he was completely on the defensive saying, 'No, baby... I had to get off the phone really quickly... I tried to call you right back... Of course I love you. More than anything! Baby, I'm so sorry.' She was just yelling at him! I felt so bad for him at that moment. So I came up with the first line 'You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset, going off about something that you said,' and I ran that into the story line that I'm in love with him and he should be with me instead of her. It just became this whole picture. It was really fun for us to write the line, 'She wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts.'"

Taylor explained to MTV News: "This song is basically about wanting someone who is with this girl who doesn't appreciate him at all. Basically like 'girl-next-door-itis.' You like this guy who you have for your whole life, and you know him better than she does but somehow the popular girl gets the guy every time."

The music video was shot at the Pope John Paul II High School in Hendersonville, Tennessee, where Taylor lives and her younger brother goes to school. It stars Lucas Till from Hannah Montana: The Movie. The singer-songwriter told MTV News: "I met him about a year back and just kind of reached out and was like, 'Hey, want to be in the video?' And he accepted and I'm just really happy to have him in the video."

Audio Analysis

Key, mode, time signature and tempo of You Belong With Me.
4/4Time Signature

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