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Interesting facts and trivia about Wicked Game. By Songfacts®.

"Wicked Game" is a tale of obsessive love. Chris Isaak spoke to Songfacts about the late-night event which inspired the song: "This one I wrote really late at night and it was written in a short time, because I remember that a girl had called me and said, 'I want to come over and talk to you,' and 'talk' was a euphemism. And she said, 'I want to come over and talk to you until you're no longer able to stand up.' And I said, 'Okay, you're coming over.' And as soon as I hung up I thought, 'Oh, my God. I know she's gonna be trouble. She's always been trouble. She's a wildcat. And here I am, I'm going to get killed, but I'm doing this.' And I wrote 'Wicked Game': 'world's on fire and no one can save me but you.' It's like you start thinking about it, and by the time she came over to the house, I had the song written. And I think she was probably upset because I was more excited by the song. (Laughing) I was like, 'Yes, you're gorgeous, baby. But listen to this song!'"

Isaak told us "Wicked Game" came to him effortlessly: "I think that sometimes you get easy ones that come very quick and you're really glad - you go, 'Wow, where'd this come from?' It's so fast to write. And then there's other songs that you do and it's like doing your homework. It's like you really are working and biting the pencil and working on that third verse. Most of the time you do work. But sometimes you get lucky."

The song got a big boost when an instrumental version was featured in the 1990 movie Wild At Heart, which was directed by David Lynch and starred Laura Dern and Nicolas Cage. Isaak spoke to interviewer, Mike Ragogna, about David Lynch: "I enjoy talking about David Lynch because he's such a great guy. The question I get about him is, 'How is David Lynch? Is he scary or spooky or something?' I don't think it's ever guys who make films like David makes or who have that kind of weird bent in their artwork–those guys are probably the nicest guys in real life because they've expressed all of their weird angles. The guys you have to watch are the guys who go, 'I'm a scout master, the proud father of two children, and I'm also a deacon in the church.' Then you go, 'Be careful.' If he's out in the back yard at night with a shovel, be careful because he's burying something."

Song Analysis

Key, BPM (tempo) and time signature of Wicked Game.
4/4Time Signature


The album Wicked Game is released on.

Released By

The record label that has released Wicked Game.
Coqueiro Verde Records
2010 Coqueiro Verde Records
2010 Coqueiro Verde Records

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