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Interesting facts and trivia about Lavender Haze. By Songfacts®.

Taylor Swift opens her Midnights album with this upbeat R&B song where she sings about protecting her relationship with Joe Alwyn from unsolicited scrutiny. "My relationship for six years, we've had to dodge weird rumors, tabloid stuff, and we just ignore it," Swift explained in an Instagram video. "So this song is sort of about the act of ignoring that stuff to protect the real stuff."

I feel the lavender haze creeping up on me Surreal The song title comes from a phrase used in the 1950s to describe being in love. Swift heard it while watching AMC's show Mad Men. "If you were in the lavender haze, then that meant that you were in that all-encompassing love glow, and I thought that was really beautiful," she explained on Instagram. "I think a lot of people have to deal with this now, not just like 'public figures,' because we live in the era of social media," she added. "And if the world finds out that you're in love with somebody, they're gonna weigh in on it."

All they keep asking me Is if I'm gonna be your bride Swift doesn't go along with the 1950s stereotype that two people in love will inevitably get married and have children.

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Song Analysis

Key, BPM (tempo) and time signature of Lavender Haze.
4/4Time Signature


The album Lavender Haze is released on.

Released By

The record label that has released Lavender Haze.
Taylor Swift
© 2022 Taylor Swift
℗ 2022 Taylor Swift

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