

The album Arguing With Thermometers is part of.

Released By

The record label that has released Arguing With Thermometers.
2011 Ambush Reality
2011 Ambush Reality

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User who love Arguing With Thermometers.
cdonnellan19Top artist #2
Paul Joseph DruceTop artist #2
Alison WatkinsonTop artist #4
ElliotTop artist #5


Interesting facts about Arguing With Thermometers. By Songfacts.

We know that Enter Shikari rage about all sorts of topics on their songs. However, despite this track's title, they haven't resorted to getting stroppy with temperature measurement devices - the lyrics are actually about the ancient Bristlecone pine trees that are found in America. Here's what singer Rou Reynolds told Kerrang!: "They are some of the oldest trees in the world - and have a natural record of temperature in their rings. It's about the insanity of energy companies and the lengths they go to increase their short-term profits. It's quite an angry song."

The song's music video features Reynolds as news reporter Phillis McCleaveland. The singer recalled to NME: "It was filmed in a really bad area in the Bronx and there was me dressed as an '80s-style Anchorman character!"

The song takes issue with the oil companies drilling in the ice caps. Reynolds told Kerrang!: "We've spent the last century squeezing the world for all its natural resources, and now that we're running out of them, we're turning to the Arctic for our last hit. It's the most infuriatingly short-sighted behavior. What are we gonna do once we've finished plundering the Arctic?"

Audio Analysis

Key, mode, time signature and tempo of Arguing With Thermometers.
4/4Time Signature

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