"Vampire" is a haunting piano-backed lament that delves into the depths of a toxic relationship. In this maudlin and semi-gothic pop-rocker, Olivia Rodrigo recounts the tale of a boyfriend who manipulated her, fed her lies, and leeched off her fame. Rodrigo compares her ex-lover to a vampire, a creature that thrives on sucking the life force out of others. In this case, he took and took from her, leaving her emotionally depleted while offering nothing in return but empty promises. "It's just a song about feeling used, and all of the anger and regret and heartbreak that comes with it," Rodrigo told Billboard. "And I think that's a common feeling, whether or not someone's famous. That was something that was just really bubbling inside of me - it's kind of an angry song, and I think I have a lot of trouble expressing feelings like anger and regret, those are particularly tough ones for me to express. I go to songwriting to get those feelings out that aren't super comfortable to express in everyday life. So it was a very therapeutic experience, writing this song."
In the first verse, we find ourselves amid a heartbroken piano ballad where a resentful Rodrigo addresses the guy who did her wrong. There's a venomous tone in her words, dripping with disdain. She hates to give him the satisfaction of asking about his current state - how's that castle he built, surrounded by people he pretends to care about? It's just what he always wanted, playing the cool guy who has it all. We continue with a slow and somber chorus as Rodrigo reflects on how this weirdo only ventured out at night - a clear warning sign she ignored. She had to learn the hard way that he was there to drain her life force and leach off her celebrity. The second verse kicks things up a notch with a driving beat, intensifying the story. Others tried to warn her about this sociopath, but Rodrigo turned a deaf ear, only hearing what she wanted to hear. Every girl she talked to revealed his true colors, but he convinced her otherwise. How can he lie without even flinching? It's bewildering and infuriating. The second chorus drives forward with a full drum track, amplifying the emotion. The bridge becomes a moment of pure evisceration as Rodrigo confronts him once again. He claimed it was true love, but could it really be? Loving someone would require a heart, something he seems to lack.
During the second verse, Rodrigo hints that the vampire was much older, using the age difference to take advantage of her. She takes a swipe at him for dating younger women, which gives us a clue as to the potential subject of the song. Can't figure out just how you do it and God knows I never will Went for me and not her 'Cause girls your age know better Rodrigo wrote "Vampire" for her second album, Guts. The singer's late teens were marked by two relationships, each lasting approximately six months, both with older men. First up was producer Adam Faze, a 24-year-old when Rodrigo was 18. They shared a seven-month journey together. The second romance involved DJ Zack Bia, who was 26 while Rodrigo was 19, and their love story lasted for six months. Unfortunately, both relationships turned out to be toxic for Rodrigo. The online community remains divided regarding which of the two men, if not both, the song may be about. Let's explore the intriguing details. On one side, Rodrigo and Faze went public with their romance at a film premiere on June 30, 2021, which intriguingly aligns with the release date of "Vampire" exactly two years later. On the other hand, Rodrigo has shared that she wrote the songs for Guts when she was 19. This age corresponds with her involvement with the then-26-year-old DJ Zack Bia. It's possible Rodrigo channeled her emotions from both romances into "Vampire," capturing the essence of her experiences.
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