"Hail To The King" is the title track and lead single of Avenged Sevenfold's sixth studio album. It marked the first record with new drummer Arin Ilejay. The stickman joined the band as a touring drummer in 2011 following the passing of Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan, before becoming an official member in 2013.
The band's previous album, The Nightmare, had a certain emotional heaviness as it found them dealing with the loss of The Rev. However, Hail to The King found Avenged Sevenfold returning to writing metal lyrics. Vocalist M. Shadows told Kerrang! magazine: "It's just cool storytelling. We got back to what we wanted the band to be in the first place, which is more fun. I don't think metal should take itself too seriously."
Avenged Sevenfold played the song live for the first time on July 17, 2013 during their gig at the Rock USA festival in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
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