

The album Arabella is part of.

Released By

The record label that has released Arabella.
2013 Domino Recording Co Ltd
2013 Domino Recording Co Ltd

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Interesting facts about Arabella. By Songfacts.

The song's title combines the name of frontman Alex Turner's girlfriend (actress Arielle Vandenberg), and Jane Fonda's titular character in the 1968 French-Italian science fiction film, Barbarella, "Yeah, she's real" Turner told Q magazine of the tune's female subject matter. The Barbarella film is referenced outright in the song right down to the central character's "silver swimsuit."

Turner told NME that the song's lyrics were partly inspired by the physicist and television presenter, Brian Cox, and his 2011 Wonders of the Universe TV series. "The words are a bit Brian Cox, a bit Wonders of the Universe," he said. "They're my favorite words on there."

Producer James Ford told NME why Turner's vocals sound different to his normal style on the fast part of the song. "I think it's doubled at that point," he explained, "I don't know if we've really done that before. He sings it really loud, but there's two of him. It kind of seemed like a good idea - in an Ozzy way."

Audio Analysis

Key, mode, time signature and tempo of Arabella.
4/4Time Signature

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