
Girl Talk

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Did You Know?

Interesting facts and trivia about Girl Talk. By Songfacts®.

Girl Talk is the stage name of Greg Gillis. He's not the first big name to shun that last name for stage purposes: Jack White of The White Stripes was born Jack Gillis, but took his bandmate Meg White's last name when he married her, and kept it after they divorced.

Girl Talk (Greg Gillis) usually offers his albums to fans on a "pay-what-you-want" basis through his label Illegal Art's website. The DJ says the most anyone has paid for his album is $100, which he called "a very nice mark up for it."

Gillis says fans shouldn't come to his shows wearing a T-shirt and jeans. The charismatic DJ is often known for tearing off his clothes onstage and believes fans should wear something comfortable to his shows. He told Seventeen magazine that a Girl Talk show is "all about athletic gear" and that "anything you would wear to gym class is very typical of Girl Talk."


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