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Interesting facts about Gotye. By Songfacts.

Gotye's real name translated into English is Wally, but "Gotye" is actually a version of his birth name. The Belgian singer was born "Wouter," which translates to "Gaultier" in French. As a kid, Gotye's mother called him "Gaultier" as a pet name, which is pronounced "Goat-Ye."

Besides being a singer-songwriter, Gotye is also the leader of a rock and roll band called The Basics. With the band, Gotye says he tries to keep the music within the parameters of what guitars, bass, and drums can do, while his solo work is open to whatever direction inspiration takes him in.

Both actor Ashton Kutcher and singer Lily Allen tweeted about Gotye's "Somebody That I Used To Know" to their millions of followers, helping boost the single's sales to over half a million copies.

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