
The All-American Rejects

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Interesting facts and trivia about The All-American Rejects. By Songfacts®.

Tyson Ritter and Nick Wheeler originally met in 1997 at a club where an early band of Wheeler's was performing. Ritter wanted to become part of the band so much that he lied he could play the bass. In fact, he'd never played a musical instrument in his entire life. He got his first bass guitar the following Christmas and taught himself something to show Wheeler's band. In the end, Ritter got his place in the band thanks to Wheeler, who decided to make use of his voice.

The All-American Rejects were formed by Tyson Ritter and Nick Wheeler in 2000. They've told different stories about how they got their name, sometimes saying it's a mix of two suggestions, "The Rejects" and "The All Americans," and other times claiming it came from the song "Reject" by Green Day, with the chorus, "a reject, all American."

"Swing, Swing" was the first single on the band's 2002 self-titled debut album, The All-American Rejects. The song was written by Tyson and Nick while the two were in Tyson's grandmother's cabin out in the woods.


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