
Billy Talent

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Interesting facts and trivia about Billy Talent. By Songfacts®.

Billy Talent used to be called Pezz. They formed in 1993 in Mississauga, Ontario and released an album called Watoosh! under the old band name in 1998. In 1999, Pezz discovered an American band with the same name signed to BYO Records. The Canadian Pezz threatened to sue the American band for thousands of dollars if they didn't change their name, but their plan backfired. The American Pezz sent documentation proving they had been using the Pezz moniker legally since 1989, so the Canadian Pezz was forced to change their name. They took the name Billy Talent after a character in the novel Hard Core Logo.

While still under the name Pezz, the members of the band now known as Billy Talent maxed out their credit cards in order to fund the recording of their 1998 debut album Watoosh! Guitarist Ian D'Sa worked as an animator, bassist Jonathan Gallant was working on a business degree, singer Benjamin Kowalewicz worked at the Toronto radio station 102.1 The Edge, and drummer Aaron Solowoniuk worked at Chrysler Canada.

In 2001, Billy Talent drummer Aaron Solowoniuk was involved in a tubing accident that could have killed him. Solowoniuk suffered multiple injuries, including a broken rib, after being sideswiped by a boat. The band was forced to cancel a show at Toronto's Lee's Palace while Solowoniuk recovered, but luckily he was able to get back behind the drum kit after only a short time off.


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