
David "Honeyboy" Edwards

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Did You Know?

Interesting facts and trivia about David "Honeyboy" Edwards. By Songfacts®.

David Edwards was born at Shaw, Mississippi two years before America's entry into the Great War - as it was known until World War Two.

Hitting the road before his 15th birthday, his performing career would cover a staggering 82 years; his last public appearances were in April 2011, less than five months before his death.

Honeyboy was the last living link to Robert Johnson, and he knew and played with everyone from Charlie Patton, Howlin' Wolf, Little Walter and Muddy Waters to, in 2004, Keith Richards. The career of the last of the Great Delta Bluesmen spanned nearly the entire recorded history of the blues.

David Edwards came from a musical family; his sharecropper parents - who called him "Honey" - were both competent musicians, his mother played the guitar, and his father who played both guitar and violin, performed socially; he also bought his son his first guitar and taught him to play traditional ballads.


David "Honeyboy" Edwards's most popular albums.

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