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Did You Know?

Interesting facts and trivia about Blur. By Songfacts®.

Blur was formed in 1988 by Damon Albarn, Graham Coxon, Alex James, and Dave Rowntree at Goldsmiths College in London. Originally named Seymour after a character by J.D. Salinger, they changed their name to Blur in 1990 because their label, Food, didn't like the name Seymour. Their new name came from a list provided by Food - they band liked its brevity and impact.

Their 1992 US tour was a disaster, as they struggled to win over American audiences who were more inclined toward the grunge sound. Additionally, they faced management issues, financial difficulties, and alcohol-related problems. Disillusioned with America and longing for their roots, they returned to England. Their second album, Modern Life Is Rubbish (1993), marked a shift toward British guitar-pop inspired by influential bands such as The Kinks and The Small Faces. The album has since gained recognition as a Britpop classic.

Albarn's father Keith managed the '60s experimental rock group Soft Machine. He later taught art at North East London Polytechnic, where his pupils included Ian Dury and Adam Ant.


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