Rainbow Kitten Surprise started as the duo of Ela Melo and Darrick "Bozzy" Keller, who met as freshmen at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina in the fall of 2012. They expanded the group to a five-piece their sophomore year (fall 2013) with the addition of three more students. That year they joined a student-run label called Split Rail Records and released their debut album, Seven.
About the band name: In October 2012, when they were still a duo, they had a gig at the Appalachian State University student union. A week earlier, their friend got meningitis, and when Ela Melo and Bozzy Keller visited him in the hospital, he was heavily medicated. To lighten the mood, Melo told him about their upcoming gig and ask him what their name should be. Through his medicated haze, their friend replied from the hospital bed, "Rainbow Kitten Surprise," apparently inspired by an animated cat he found on the internet called Nyan Cat.
When they were still a duo, Melo and Keller made a 3-song EP called Mary in their dorm room, which they put on Bandcamp on May 5, 2013. To their surprise, it got 1,000 streams the first night. That was their first sign they were on to something.
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