
London Grammar

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Interesting facts and trivia about London Grammar. By Songfacts®.

Hannah Reid and Dan Rothman first crossed paths in 2009 at Nottingham University, where they shared halls. They stumbled across Dot Major playing the djembe in the student union, and the trio started writing together. They clicked and soon started writing songs together and playing gigs around campus, but at the time, it was just for fun. After all, Dan was studying economics, not exactly the most obvious path to a music career. "I remember telling the band that I didn't think I'd be able to do this much longer because I had to get a proper job," Rothman told The Guardian. "Then three months later we were spotted, and from that point on it all changed."

When the band signed their publishing deal, Hannah Reid celebrated by purchasing 500 gems in the mobile game Clash of Clans.

After signing with Ministry of Sound and Big Life Management, London Grammar uploaded their debut single, "Hey Now," to YouTube in December 2012. It garnered over a million views within just a few months even though it didn't have an official music video at the time.


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