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Interesting facts and trivia about Ratt. By Songfacts®.

Before there was Ratt, there was Mickey Ratt, a San Diego band led by Stephen Pearcy with a name that poked fun at Mickey Mouse. They moved to Los Angeles in 1980 and a year later shortened the name to Ratt. By the end of 1982 they had their core lineup in place with guys from the local scene. This lineup, led by Pearcy and the twin guitar attack of Robbin Crosby and Warren DeMartini, held together until 1992, when the band split up. They went through a litany of lineup changes after re-forming in 1996, most significantly with former L.A. Guns singer Jizzy Pearl taking over from 2000-2006 after Pearcy left the group.

Jake E. Lee, who became Ozzy Osbourne's guitarist for the albums Bark At The Moon (1983) and The Ultimate Sin, was a member of the band in 1981 when they were still known as Mickey Ratt. He lived with Warren DeMartini, who took over as his replacement.

Ratt was a big part of the '80s glam metal scene in Los Angeles that fomented around the Sunset Strip. They were good friends with Mötley Crüe, who helped them land a deal with Atlantic Records.


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