
Breaking Benjamin

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Interesting facts and trivia about Breaking Benjamin. By Songfacts®.

Hollywood Records signed Breaking Benjamin in 2002. The band had already released a self-titled EP and had sold all 2,000 copies that were produced. The label then released Breaking Benjamin's full length debut album Saturate in August 2002, which peaked at #2 on Billboard's Top Heat Seekers chart.

From the beginning, Breaking Benjamin has had a close relationship with WWE. Their song "Polyamorous" was featured on the video game Smackdown vs. Raw and in the pay-per-view special WWE Day of Reckoning.

In late 2002, Breaking Benjamin recorded a cover of Depeche Mode's "Enjoy The Silence" that was intended to be on released on the European version of Saturate. Unfortunately, the European version was never released. Another song called "Lady Bug" was also recorded for this version and was eventually released on the So Cold EP.


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