
Tammy Wynette

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Did You Know?

Interesting facts and trivia about Tammy Wynette. By Songfacts®.

Tammy Wynette was born Virginia Wynette Pugh. Her producer Billy Sherrill said that she reminded him of Debbie Reynolds in the movie Tammy And The Bachelor, and suggested that she change her name to Tammy Wynette.

Her father, a musician as well as farmer, died when she was nine months old, leaving behind musical instruments. Her mother moved away to work, and Tammy was raised by her grandparents in Mississippi, teaching herself how to play music on her father's instruments.

Wynette got married when she was only 17, the first of a string of five marriages. From this first marriage to Euple Byrd she had three daughters, and the divorce was finalized shortly before the third child was born. She left Euple because he responded to her desire to become a country singer with the comment, "Dream on, baby."


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