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Interesting facts and trivia about Lenka. By Songfacts®.

Lenka is an Australian singer-songwriter whose music career took off in 2008 thanks to her international hit single "The Show" from her self-titled debut album. The pop song, which was a Top 30 hit on the US Adult Top 40 chart, got a boost from several prominent media placements, including a commercial for Old Navy.

Born Lenka Kripac, her dad is Czech-born jazz trumpeter Jiri Kripac. The pair collaborated on "My Love" from Lenka's 2015 album, The Bright Side. According to the singer, it was a challenge because her dad doesn't really enjoy pop music.

Her parents got her to take piano and trumpet lessons by withholding permission to get her ears pierced unless she complied. She reluctantly agreed but hated the lessons so much that she quit - after she earned her piercings.


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