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Did You Know?

Interesting facts and trivia about Baroness. By Songfacts®.

The band names their albums after colors: Red Album Blue Record Yellow & Green Purple This is done for the sake of simplicity and as a way to get started on each album.

How does the band define their sound? John Baizley told Songfacts: "The only word that I like is rock and roll. Because at the end of it all, we're not a strict metal band. We're not a strict whatever band. We do a little bit of everything and we have a lot of influences and they all come out, and what happens is what we do."

In 2012, their tour bus crashed in England, leaving the group badly injured. Baizley's left arm had to be completely reconstructed, and Maggioni and Blickle suffered back injuries that caused them to leave the group. Baizley was determined to continue, seeing music as part of his therapy. After a long recovery, he was able to play guitar again, and in 2015 Baroness released their album Purple. The accident left Baizley in constant pain.


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