
Ricky Nelson

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The most popular songs by Ricky Nelson.

Did You Know?

Interesting facts and trivia about Ricky Nelson. By Songfacts®.

Nelson was one of the biggest stars during the era 1957-1963, second only to Elvis Presley among American solo artists in terms of popularity and chart success. He was a teen idol, but unlike Elvis, he didn't move much on stage.

His dad was the famous bandleader Ozzy Nelson; his family starred in a popular TV series called The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, where they played themselves. Ricky made his musical performance debut on the show in April 1957 when he was 16, lip-synching his first single, a cover of the Fats Domino song "I'm Walking." Exposure on the show launched his singing career, and by that summer he was on the charts.

Nelson was influenced by the rockabilly sound of artists like Elvis, Johnny Cash, and especially Carl Perkins. He befriended these artists, who accepted him even though he came from a different background, as he was born into affluence.


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