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Interesting facts and trivia about Weezer. By Songfacts®.

Weezer was formed on Valentine's Day 1992, but were not named yet. On the original tape, a slew of band names were all crammed on the label, a joke on how no one could decide on the name for the band yet. Some were old names, such as Fuzz (a band formed by Cuomo in 1991, featuring, among other members, Cuomo on vocals and guitar and Pat Wilson on drums), but there were also such notables as Meathead, Outhouse, Hummingbird, The Big Jones and This Niblet.

In 1993, after 16 months together playing shows and recording demos in Los Angeles, DGC records (Geffen) signed Weezer. The band moved to New York to record at the famed Electric Lady Studios under producer Ric Ocasek from The Cars. Ocasek produced their first and third albums.

Cuomo went into seclusion in 1998. He painted his walls black, disconnected his phone, and went months without speaking to anyone. Two years later, he came out of it and Weezer made their third album.


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