
Bow Wow Wow

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Did You Know?

Interesting facts and trivia about Bow Wow Wow. By Songfacts®.

The band was assembled in London by Malcolm McLaren, who was famous for putting together The Sex Pistols. He discovered Lwin in a dry cleaning store where she was working. She couldn't sing, and was only 14, but she had the look McLaren wanted. Her real name is Myant Myant Aye, but McLaren had her change it.

Ashman, Barboarossa, and Gorman were members of Adam & the Ants. McLaren asked them to form this group after working as a consultant for Adam Ant, who went to McLaren for advice on how to create a hit sound. McLaren introduced Ant to the African rhythms that would forge his sound, but also stole his band.

Boy George was the original lead singer, using the name "Lieutenant Lush." He left soon after joining the band and formed Culture Club.


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