
Jonas Brothers

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Interesting facts and trivia about Jonas Brothers. By Songfacts®.

The band originally formed from the ashes of a solo project for Nick, who appeared in numerous stage productions around New York. Around this time, Nick wrote a holiday song with his father, and soon after, his brother Joe also started doing stage productions. This is also when the brothers started to write songs together. Eventually, the holiday song was heard by an executive of Columbia Records, and the label signed on Nick, who, at the time, was jointly signed on to Columbia and INO Records. Nick's debut album soon had a limited release. Afterwards, Daylight/Columbia signed the three brothers on as a trio.

The Jonas Brothers were not an instant hit. They went on several tours, mainly as opening acts, and released their first album, It's Only Time, in 2006. The album had a very limited release, and the band was soon dropped by their label as Sony no longer had interest in promoting them. Hollywood Records picked them up in 2007 and released their self-titled album, which was a huge hit.

They made the cover of Rolling Stone magazine in July 2008.


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