VanWyngarden grew up in Memphis, Tennessee and Goldwasser is from Westport, New York, but they met at Wesleyan University in Connecticut, where they graduated in 2005. "A lot of people really hated us," said VanWyngarden. "We were not popular." Many songs on their debut album Oracular Spectacular were worked up at Wesleyan, but they spent a few years refining them after the graduated, finally releasing the album in 2007.
MGMT singer Andrew VanWyngarden says he originally brushed Lady Gaga off as crap but now respects what the pop star is doing. VanWyngarden told Spin that her videos are "getting more creative" and that he likes that she is "getting more and more bizarre and spreading that to the mainstream."
While recording MGMT's second album Congratulations in Malibu, frontman Andrew VanWyngarden took up surfing. He surfed for a year straight and now keeps it a part of his daily routine whenever possible. He even went to Costa Rica just to surf and wrote the song "Siberian Breaks" about the possibility of surfing in the Arctic Circle near Russia.
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