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Interesting facts and trivia about Eve. By Songfacts®.

Born and raised in Philadelphia, Eve became the first woman signed to the Ruff Ryders label after impressing them with her freestyles at an audition - DMX called her "a pitbull in a skirt" (high praise). She became an integral part of that crew, appearing on their #1 compilation album Ruff Ryders Ryde or Die Vol. 1 in 1999 a few months before releasing her first solo album.

Her acting debut was in a series of 1999 Sprite commercials based on the kung fu movie Five Deadly Venoms. She always had acting ambitions, and soon moved into movies, appearing in XXX and Barbershop in 2002. In 2003, she got her own sitcom on the UPN network in 2003 called Eve, where she played a fashion designer, not a rapper. It ran for three seasons.

In 1999, before her debut album was released, Prince called on Eve to record a rap for his song "Hot With U," which appears on his Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic album.


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