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Interesting facts and trivia about Doomed. By Songfacts®.

This is the opening track of That's The Spirit. Frontman Oli Sykes explained to Kerrang!: "We wanted to open with something that made it clear that this record isn't anything you've heard from us before. We explored ideas out of our comfort zone, and ended up with this crazy instrumental track, which we had no idea what to do with. In the final push, when we were at our wits' end, we finally cracked it."

Sykes explained the lyrical content: "It's about how most of the time my life feels like this unmanageable monster that I can't keep at bay," he said. "There's the lyric, 'The Devil told me, no room for cheats. I thought I sold my soul, but he kept the receipt', which is me getting a second chance - even though it seemed like I had a death wish. Rather than trying to fight these demons, I should embrace them." "I think that, secretly, I find depression romantic," Sykes continued, "it's almost like this euphoric sadness that cleanses your mind if you just let it happen, and that's what the album is all about: celebrating the darkness."

The burden of melancholy is a prevalent theme on That's the Spirit. Keyboardist Jordan Fish explained to Rolling Stone that even when life is going well, there's sometimes a nagging sadness that's hard to shake. "I think most people have that," he said. "It's a slightly incomplete feeling that's always there, and that comes from real life. Everyone has their own issues and anxieties, and mostly the new songs are about accepting them and trying to remain positive because there's nothing else you can do."

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Song Analysis

Key, BPM (tempo) and time signature of Doomed.
4/4Time Signature


The album Doomed is released on.

Released By

The record label that has released Doomed.
RCA Records Label
(P) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited

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