"She's In Parties" is either discussing the film industry or using the film industry as a metaphor to describe the '80s goth scene. The goth-scene metaphor can then be made a metaphor for life in general, meaning "She's In Parties" may achieve the exceedingly rare and highly esteemed musical triple-metaphor (which isn't actually a thing). The song's lyrics jump through images of film, from memorizing script dialogue to acting to the editing room. There's a woman at the center of the stories. She's about to be a big star. "She's in parties," meaning she's in fashionable, high-profile shindigs with celebrities. But, the song may be using this as a way to describe the hangers-on of the goth scene, those who wanted to fit in but never really embraced the ethos. The song can then be made more universal as a story about how people will pretend to be something they're not in order to fit into a scene.
Bauhaus members Daniel Ash, David J (David John Haskins), and Peter Murphy all contributed to the lyrics. Ash told the story to Songfacts: "We traveled down the road in a tour bus or a car - we were all in the same area - and Dave had a pen and paper, and said, 'OK. Shoot out some words, shoot out some lines.' That's what we did."
The term "it's in the can" means a project is completed and ready to fulfill its purpose. The saying originated from the movie industry, where the film would go into a container (a "can") when it was finished. So, it leads us full circle back to the same division in interpretation - is this song actually discussing the film industry or using it as a metaphor? It works both ways.
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