The band takes a lot of time between albums, partly because logistics are tough, but also because Amy Lee likes to pursue other interests to goose inspiration. In between their albums The Open Door (2006) and Evanescence (2011), she learned to play harp and used the instrument to write "My Heart Is Broken."
Evanescence won the Grammy for Best New Artist of 2003, beating out 50 Cent, who went on stage anyway and walked past the band while they were accepting their award.
"Bring Me To Life" was first heard in the 2003 movie Daredevil and featured on the soundtrack. "My Immortal" was also in the film and on the soundtrack, but that song had appeared on various EPs and demos. Exposure in the film gave the songs a big boost and helped spur sales of their debut album Fallen, which was released a few weeks later.
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