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Did You Know?

Interesting facts and trivia about Sum 41. By Songfacts®.

Sum 41 started out as a NOFX cover band called Kaspir, formed by singer-songwriter Deryck Whibley and drummer Steve Jocz in Ajax, Ontario in Canada. Forty-one days into the summer of 1996, the duo changed their name to Sum 41 (as in "summer 41"). Lead guitarist Dave Baksh and bassist Jason "Cone" McCaslin were soon added to the lineup.

The first song Sum 41 wrote together was called "Five-O Grind." It was inspired by a security guard who kept hassling the band while they were trying to skateboard.

In 1999, Sum 41 signed a deal with Island Records after sending the label a video tape of the band engaging in water gun fights while their music played in the background.


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